University offers 2022 Of Brighton College Bangkok
Our Year 13 pupils are currently sitting their A Level examinations, and we’re sure that they will make everyone very proud after two years of hard work in our Sixth Form.
Pupils have received dozens of offers from top universities all around the world, with successful applications to study courses ranging from Medicine to Animation and from Urban Planning to Psychology.
我们十三年级的学生目前正在参加A Level考试,我们相信,在经过中学阶段两年的努力,他们会让我们每个人都为之感到骄傲。

University offers 2022 2022届毕业生的录取概况
1. 美国
- 纽约视觉艺术学院
- 马里兰艺术学院
- 加州艺术中心设计学院
- 马萨诸塞大学
- 加州大学
- 2. 英国
- 皇家威尔士音乐与戏剧学院
- 拉夫堡大学
- 东方与非洲研究学院(SOSA)
- 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院
- 爱丁堡大学
- 诺丁汉大学
- 伯明翰大学
- 曼彻斯特大学
- 利物浦大学
- 埃克塞特大学
- 卡迪夫大学
- 利兹大学
- 谢菲尔德大学
- 纽卡斯尔大学
- 英国巴斯大学
- 伦敦国王学院
- 伦敦艺术大学
- 伯明翰皇家艺术大学
3. 荷兰
- 阿姆斯特丹自由大学
4. 香港
- 香港大学
5. 泰国
- 朱拉隆功大学
- 泰国法政大学
- 泰国先皇技术学院
6. 澳大利亚
- 麦考瑞大学
- 莫纳什大学
7. 纽西兰
- 奥克兰大学
Congratulations to Jay in Year 13, who has had excellent offers to study Urban Planning at the universities of Liverpool, Loughborough (with a scholarship offer), Newcastle and Manchester.
Well done Jay, we’re really proud and we wish you the very best of luck in your examinations.

Kaptan from Year 10 has demonstrated excellent effort and participation in his academic work this year. However, it is his efforts outside the classroom that have been truly outstanding. Kaptan was elected for the role of House Captain, giving an eloquent and engaging speech to inspire his peers. A keen sportsperson, Kaptan is part of our swimming and golf teams, and he is always prepared to go the extra mile, particularly evident during our BCB Sports Explorers event, where he cycled a distance of 530km in 5 days.

Well done to Dian, who has had offers from various institutions around the world to study Animation, including the Maryland Institute College of Art, Art Center College of Design – California, University of Edinburgh and the School of Visual Arts, New York.
We’re very proud of all you have accomplished, Dian, good luck in your examinations!

We’d like to congratulate Pear, who has had some amazing offers from universities in Thailand – Chulalongkorn and Thammasat, as well as the UK – Bath and Leeds, to study Medicine and Biomedical Science.
Well done Pear and the very best of luck for your examinations, we’re so proud of your achievements so far!
我们要祝贺小梨同学 (Pear),她收到了一些让人惊喜的录取通知书,它们来自泰国朱拉隆功大学,泰国法政大学,英国巴斯大学和利兹大学,这些大学邀请她继续学习医学和生物医学科学。

Congratulations to Yunus, who has made us proud with offers from the universities of Hong Kong (with a scholarship), Nottingham, Birmingham, Loughborough and the School for Oriental and African Studies (London) to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
We wish him the best of luck as he completes his final A Level examinations!
我们祝愿他顺利完成A Level考试!

Well done to Charlotte in Year 13, who has had amazing offers from the prestigious Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Leeds Conservatoire and the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire to study Music.
Congratulations on all that you have accomplished, Charlotte, we’re very proud of you and look forward to seeing your future achievements!

We’d like to congratulate Luke, who has had great offers from the universities of Exeter, Leeds, Sheffield and Manchester to study Mechanical Engineering.
Well done, Luke and the very best of luck in your examinations; we’re so proud of what you’ve achieved so far

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