The Sixth Form at Brighton College Bangkok Delivered
The Best A Level results in Thailand.
泰国曼谷布莱顿国际学校的第六学级学生取得了最好的A Level成绩
“When I ask our Sixth Form pupils what the best thing about our school is, they invariably say “The teaching”. It is therefore no wonder that their exam grades have been so impressive and that they are inspired to develop in so many ways beyond the classroom.”
Mike Walton,
Head Master

Frequently Asked Questions 常见问题
Why should I study A Levels rather than the IB diploma?
为什么我应该学习A Level(英国高中课程)而不是IB文凭?
In short, A Levels give a much greater degree of flexibility, and tailors a curriculum that plays to a pupil’s strengths. The A Level system delivers pupils who are better prepared for a wide variety of single-honours university courses, and admissions departments at top universities around the world understand the A Level system very well. The A Level system offers everything you would find in IB, but no subject is ‘forced’ upon the pupil.
简言之,A Levels提供了更大程度的灵活性,并根据学生的优势定制了课程。A Levels体系为学生提供了更好的准备,使他们能够参加各种各样的单项荣誉大学课程,世界各地顶尖大学的招生部门也非常了解A Levels体系。A Levels体系提供了IB课程的所有内容,但没有学科是“强迫”学生学习的。
Why should I study at Brighton College Bangkok?
The Brighton College family of schools has a reputation for academic excellence. In 2021, our pupils achieved 97% A*-A grades, the best A Level results in Thailand. Our sister school in the UK was also at the top of the A Level Results League Table – with 205 pupils achieving 95% A*-A grades.
布莱顿公学(Brighton College)的学校家族以学术卓越而闻名。在2021,我们的学生97%取得了A*-A成绩,是泰国A Level考试成绩最好的。我们在英国的姐妹学校也在A Level成绩排行榜上名列前茅——205名学生95%取得了A*-A成绩。
Our purpose-built Sixth Form Centre is a unique space for learning, studying and relaxing. Our House-based pastoral care system is second to none – meaning that pupils can succeed academically and leave Brighton College as a well-rounded and resilient individual ready to take on the world.
Are there entry criteria for the Sixth Form?
Yes. Entry requirements will be based on an individual pupil’s educational background and the subjects chosen. Pupils will need good IGCSE passes (or equivalent) in English and Mathematics. Ideally, the subjects they wish to take in Year 12 should be a grade A or above.
How many subjects will I study in the Sixth Form?
A Year 12 pupils will usually study four subjects at AS Level and a Year 13 pupil will usually study three subjects to A Level. Please be aware that Further Mathematics counts as two subject choices in Year 12, as it must be accompanied by Mathematics.
12年级的学生通常在AS Level (英国高中课程的第一年)要学习四门课程,13年级的学生通常在A Level要学习三门课程。请注意,高等数学是12年级的两个选择科目,它必须伴随着数学。
Which subjects will I be able to study?
The following A Level subjects (listed here in alphabetical order) are available for pupils joining the Sixth Form.
以下 A Level 科目(按字母顺序列出)适用于参加第六学级的学生。
- Art & Design 艺术与设计
- Art & Design: Photography 艺术与设计:摄影
- Biology生物学
- Business 商务
- Chemistry 化学
- Computer Science 计算机科学
- Design & Technology 设计与技术
- Drama & Theatre Studies 戏剧与戏剧研究
- Economics 经济学
- English Literature 英国文学
- French 法语
- Geography 地理
- History 历史
- Mandarin 普通话
- Mathematics 数学
- Further Mathematics 高等数学
- Music 音乐
- Physical Education 体育
- Physics 物理
- Psychology 心理学
- Spanish 西班牙语
Are Sixth Form pupils given careers advice and guidance on university courses and the application process?
Yes. Staff at Brighton College Bangkok have a wealth of experience preparing pupils for Higher Education, assisting with the application process for universities around the world, and preparing pupils for interviews. Our PSHE programme includes careers guidance, external speakers and preparation for life beyond school. There is a dedicated University Guidance Teacher who is available to support pupils and parents throughout the application process.
What else can I do in the Sixth Form at Brighton College Bangkok?
There are a huge number of opportunities for pupils to get their teeth into outside of academic lessons. Sixth Form pupils are given positions of responsibility across the College, and leadership and service opportunities are available. Stimulating academic clubs, co-curricular opportunities, and the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award can all be used to hone current talents and develop new ones.
What makes Brighton College’s Sixth Form very unique is the one-to-one attention we get in lessons. The teachers truly know us not just as pupils, but as people too.”
-Current Pupil
Brighton College Bangkok is run in close partnership with England’s School of the Decade. We offer world-class facilities on our campus in Bang Kapi and have outstanding specialist teachers for boys and girls aged 2-18.
曼谷布莱顿国际学校与“十年英国学校”有着密切的合作关系。我们在Bang Kapi的校园提供世界一流的设施,并为2-18岁的男孩和女孩提供优秀的专业教师。
Proving our commitment to academic excellence, last year our first graduates achieved 97% A*-A grades at A Level – the best A Level results in Thailand – and went on to study at some of the world’s top universities.
去年,我们的第一届毕业生在A – Level考试中取得了97%的A* -A成绩,这是泰国A – Level考试成绩最好的一次,并继续在一些世界顶级大学学习,这证明了我们对卓越学术的承诺。

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