The Secondary Curriculum at Norwich
An essential part of exploring children’s own expertise 诺维奇的中学课程:发掘孩子自身专长的重要环节

The Curriculum 课程
Our curriculum at Norwich is based on the National Curriculum for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, adapted to our international setting and Values. The aims of the National Curriculum for England, Wales and Northern Ireland are to enable all young people to become:
- successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
- confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
- responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
We enhance this curriculum with a provision for Mindfulness and with a deliberate focus on Mandarin. For Year 7 to 9 all lessons are with specialist teachers, with the allocation of periods per subject each week being as follows:
- 喜欢学习、不断进步、有所成就的成功学习者
- 自信,且有能力过上安全、健康和充实生活的人
- 对社会做出积极贡献的负责任公民
Fundamental Core 基本核心课程
7 – English 英语
5 – Mathematics 数学
5 – Science 科学
5 – Global Perspectives 全球视角
Languages 语言
5 – Thai (Non-Thai students have Thai Language and Culture)
4 – Mandarin 中文(普通话)
Creative Arts
2 – Art
2 – Music
Essential Centre 学校中心
2 – Sport & Games / Swimming 体育运动和游戏/游泳
1 – Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 资讯及通讯科技(ICT)
1 – Mindfulness 正念
1 – Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) or Assembly 个人、社会和健康教育 (PSHE)或集会

The Assessment 评估
At the end of Year 9 students will enter for the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) Checkpoint assessments for the Fundamental Core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Global Perspectives. Students entering Year 10 will undertake courses for the International General Certificates of Secondary Education (IGCSEs) with CAIE.

Assessment can take many forms in Years 7 to 9, formal and informal, written and oral, individual and group. A full range of assessments has been developed across all subjects, which include unit tests, projects, presentations and end of year examinations.
Where a piece of work is to be graded, students are marked on the schools A* to U grade system. Having 7 grades allows for clear differentiation of achievement.
They are as follows:
A* Outstanding 杰出的
A Very Good 很好
B Good 好
C Satisfactory 满意
D Unsatisfactory 不满意
E Poor – Cause for Concern 差——引起关注
U Does not meet requirements of task 不符合任务要求
Pastoral Care 教牧关怀
The Homeroom teacher is the first point of contact for parents about getting information or asking questions. The Homeroom teacher also delivers the PSHE programme, which focuses on issues relevant to the students and their development. The lessons can take many forms – such as discussion, debate, analysis of media and so on.

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