Prem Bids Farewell to our Class of 2022
Dear Members of the PREM Class of 2022,
Congratulations! You are an exceptional class in an extraordinary generation – of this there can be no doubt. For the past three years, you have been challenged to enact a real-life, real-time experiment in the reinvention of the world’s education system. The Covid pandemic, with its draconian restrictions on face-to-face interaction, has required you, together with your fellow students across the globe, to imagine and implement innovative ways of learning and living together, utilizing the gamut of new information and communication technologies – including digital learning platforms and social media.
恭喜你们! 你们是非凡一代中的杰出代表——这点是毋庸置疑的。 在过去的三年里,你们一直面临着一项挑战,那就是在处于一个真实的、实时的实验来重塑世界上更好的教育体系。新冠疫情的大流行使我们的面对面互动有了严格的限制,这要求你们与全球各地的同学一起,利用包括数字学习平台和社交媒体在内的新的信息和通信技术,设想和实施创新的学习和生活方式。
At the beginning of the Covid pandemic, your teachers and parents were deeply concerned that restrictions on international travel and classroom attendance would disrupt and potentially set back your education in ways no one could predict. But we need not to have worried. Your educational achievements, like those of the two PREM classes before you, have shown through the opacity of untested pedagogy, as proven by your unprecedented success in both classwork and examinations. Most importantly, your accomplishments have been recognized by the fact that each of you has been accepted into the universities, colleges and careers of your choice wherever in the world that may be. How can we explain this phenomenal success? You, the members of the PREM Class of 2022, have demonstrated the commitment, the adaptability and, above all, the resilience that our illustrious namesake, H.E. General Prem Tinsulanonda foresaw would be the hallmark of all future PREM students when, in Education for the Future, the visionary document that forms the founding charter of PREM International School, he penned these prophetic words: “The young are the future and the hope of the new world – a world full of challenges, a world in search of a proper balance between the need for new scientific discoveries, on the one hand, and human ethics on the other and also a world that needs to find a balance between competition and sharing. The mission before us is one that requires human intellect. Knowledge based on thorough study should not only enable us to gain a broader view, but should also make us kinder and more caring persons. Otherwise, the owner of knowledge thus acquired may turn out to be good at thinking, surely not a person with good thinking.”
在新冠疫情的初期,你们的老师和父母非常担心国际旅行和课堂出勤的限制会以无人能够预测得到的方式扰乱并阻碍你的学习进程。 但是我们发现我们不必担心,你们的教育成就,就像之前的两个普林班级一样,已经通过未经检验的、不透明的教学方法表现了出来,你们在课堂作业和考试中空前的成功,也正证明了这一点。 最重要的是,你们的成就得到了认可,因为你们每个人都被你们自己首选的位于世界各地的大学及其专业所录取。 我们如何解释这种非凡的成功? 诸位2022届普林国际学校的成员已经展示了我们杰出的同名将军普林·廷素拉南达( H.E. Prem Tinsulanonda)所预见的承诺、适应能力以及最重要的韧性,这将是未来全体普林国际学校学生的标志。当在《未来教育》中,这被写入了普林国际学校的创始宪章,有了以下这些预言性的话:“年轻人是新世界的未来和希望——一个充满挑战的世界,一个一方面需要新的科学发现,另一方面需要和人类伦理之间寻求适当平衡世界,一个需要在竞争和分享之间找到的平衡世界。 我们面前的任务是一项需要人类智慧的任务。 基于深入学习的知识不仅应该让我们获得更广阔的视野,还应该让我们成为更善良、更有爱心的人。 否则,获得知识的人,可能会成为善于思考的人,但不一定是个可以得出好的想法的人。”
This is the challenge that General Prem put before all PREM students as Global Citizens. It is the challenge that you, the Class of 2022, have met and surpassed. The Board of Governors is proud of your accomplishments and confident that as a graduate of Prem Tinsulanonda International School each and every one of you will continue to make your alma mater proud along whatever path you take in life, in whatever career you choose, on whatever place you make your mark. We are certain that as an alumnus of PREM, you will meet the challenges of the future head on, with the same inquiring, reflective “good thinking” that you have developed during your student years at Prem Tinsulanonda International School. As the Covid pandemic has made abundantly clear, humankind’s well-meaning attempts to extend stewardship over the Earth’s resources, constructing a sustainable future for all, to date have proven to be woefully inadequate. New, better ways of thinking and doing, based on scientific inquiry, comprehensive knowledge, and equitable practice are urgently required. As PREM graduates and part of the next generation of Global Citizens, you are well-prepared to become the champions that humankind will rely on to ensure the future of our planet. With the graduates of the PREM Class of 2022 in the lead, that future in good hands.
这是普林将军作为全球公民向所有普林学子提出的挑战。 这是你们 2022 届毕业生已经遇到,并超越了的挑战。理事会为你们的成就感到自豪,并相信,作为普林廷素拉南达国际学校的毕业生,你们每一个人都将继续让母校感到骄傲,无论你走什么人生道路,无论你选择什么职业,无论做你们在哪里留下你们的足迹。 我们确信,作为普林的校友,你将带着在普林廷素拉南达国际学校的学生时代所培养的如出一辙的探究品质、懂得反思的“良好思维”,直面未来的挑战。 正如新冠疫情所充分表明的那样,人类试图扩大对地球资源的管理范围,迄今人们为所有人建设可持续未来的善意和努力还远远不够。 所以我们迫切需要基于科学探究、综合知识和公平实践的、全新的、更好的思维和行为方式。 作为普林国际学校的毕业生和下一代全球公民的一份子,你们已经做好了充分准备,成为人类赖以确保我们地球未来的捍卫者。 随着 2022 届普林毕业生的带领下,未来掌握在美好的手中。
Richard A. Engelhardt 理查德·A 恩格尔哈特
Chair of the Board of Governors 理事会主席

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Prem Seniors crowned as CMAC Swim Champions 2022!
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The senior swim meet here at Prem and it was great to see so many swimmers enjoying being back in the pool. Well done to all the swimmers and coaches and the great thing is that we will not have to wait too long to do it all over again, with swimming reverting back to its normal spot in season 1 next year.
这场全球新冠疫情对普林的游泳项目的打击是最大的,这让我们感觉到可惜。我们的游泳运动员在体育和游泳训练中的最后一次练习要追溯到2019年。整整三年过去了,我们的学生已经开始在体育课上恢复游泳项目,并在我们的低年级和高年级的课后游泳训练中进行训练。 尽管经过这么长时间的休息,但我们游泳运动员的意志和决心仍然存在,并在 CMAC 游泳比赛中表现出色! 我们的低年级组的游泳运动员去了兰纳学校参加比赛,带回了大量的奖牌以及亚军殊荣,而我们的高年级组的运动员表现更好,获得了 2022 年 CMAC 游泳比赛冠军。
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Thanks to our Coaches: Ajarn Fred, Ajarn Cat, Ajarn Andrew, Ajarn Kaoru and Ajarn Ambika
Lee Stevens
Director of Student Life 学生生活总监 李·史提芬

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