- Introduction to Writers’ Workshop [K–12]
If you’re new to Writers’ Workshop or new to a school that uses a Writers’...
$239 - Keys to Personalize Instruction in Online Courses
Although personalized instruction is increasingly viewed as a cornerstone of effective teaching, there is still...
$750 - Meaningful Discussions in Online Classrooms
This module focuses on discussion design strategies and facilitation strategies
$225 - Meeting Varied Learner Needs in Online Classrooms
Assessment, evaluation, and feedback are critical components of quality classrooms, no matter the venue.
$225 - Online, School-Based Professional Learning
If you’re an administrator, coach, or teacher leader, you likely spend just as much time...
$430 - Strategies for Deeper Student Learning in Online Courses
Deeper learning represents a set of key competencies that today’s students must develop to thrive...
$750 - Self-Paced Project-Based Learning Design Course
Instructional video is a critical component of any online, remote or hybrid learning experience.