Early Years at Norwich International School
The best choice to parents and the best start for your children
A welcoming environment at Norwich International School

At Norwich we understand that sending your child to school for the first time can be emotional for the child as well as the family and we are continuously here to support in the healthiest transition as possible. We want all children in our care to feel safe and free to be able to independently explore their learning areas. We recognise that choosing the right school for your young child is one of the most significant decisions you will make for them. Here at Norwich, we pride ourselves on providing high quality Early Childhood education. We have a strong team of extremely experienced staff that are dedicated to ensuring your child has the best possible start to their education.
From birth until the age of five years old is called the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ in the United Kingdom, this is the beginning of your child’s learning journey. Children develop at a rapid rate in the first five years of their life, and it is during this time that children build the foundation to become successful individuals later in life. Therefore, it is vital that children do not miss out on this important stage of their schooling. It is during the Early Years of a child’s life that they will form their opinions on learning, begin to interact with others, learn to read, write, and be exposed to a multitude of other skills that will have a great impact on their future learning and accomplishments.
Our aim is to help your child foster a love of learning that will help them throughout their school career. It is our belief that a strong relationship between teachers and parents will ensure the very best for the children in our school. We aim to develop partnerships with parents where information can be exchanged freely in order to provide learning opportunities and care that will best suit your individual child.
The Curriculum 课程
The Early Years Foundation Stage 早期儿童基础教育阶段
Here at Norwich, we believe that every young child deserves the best possible start to their education to enable them to reach their full potential. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five.
Children are born ready, able and eager to learn. They actively reach out to interact with other people, and the world around them. Development is not an automatic process, however. The EYFS says that it depends on each unique child having opportunities to interact in positive relationships and enabling environments.

Effective practice in the Early Years is built on four guiding principles:
1. A Unique Child recognises that every child is a competent learner who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
2. Positive Relationships describes how children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
3. Enabling Environments explains how the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning. Children learn and develop well in an enabling environment, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between parents and teachers.
4. Learning and Development recognises that children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. All areas of learning and development are equally important and interconnected.
The EYFS curriculum is designed to be flexible in order to meet the varying needs of our students.
早期儿童基础教育阶段(EYFS )课程设计灵活,以满足学生的不同需求。

In the EYFS, there are seven areas of learning and development that shape the curriculum. All areas of learning and development are interlocked. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting student’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.
在早期儿童基础教育阶段(EYFS )中,有七个学习和发展领域的课程。学习和发展的所有领域都是相互关联的。对于激发学生的好奇心和学习热情、培养他们的学习能力、以及建立人际关系与茁壮成长方面,有三个领域尤为重要。
These three areas are essential foundations for students’ learning and life-long success.

The 3 prime areas:
Communication and Language – It is vital that children are given the opportunities to communicate in a range of ways. Allowing children opportunities to have conversations enhances their learning in all other areas of the curriculum. It is also important that children learn to respect others and listen in group situations as well as participate with their own ideas. We provide opportunities for all of this through engaging hands-on activities that stimulate the children’s interests
Physical Development – This involves children developing their co-ordination and balancing skills by using a range of apparatus such as bicycles, climbing frames and balls. The children also develop their fine motor skills (small movements) by using equipment such as pencils for writing/drawing and scissors. In this area of the curriculum children are also supported in making healthy choices as well as learning how to self-care.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development – This area involves building children’s confidence and abilities in a range of situations. It shows them how to manage their feelings and emotions in order to build positive relationships with others. Developing children’s social skills and helping them to respond positively to instructions and rules is essential for their continued learning
Alongside the prime areas are the four specific areas through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.

The 4 Specific areas:
These four areas include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society.
Literacy – Children are encouraged to foster a love of reading and writing through a range of activities that promote this area. Children are taught the links between letters and sound through Phonics International, the phonics scheme we use from the United Kingdom. Children are encouraged to ‘make marks’ and ascribe meaning to them as they develop an understanding of written words. Children are encouraged to enjoy listening to stories and to create and tell their own stories
Mathematics – In this area children are given the opportunities to explore numbers through a range of practical learning opportunities that support counting and problem solving. Children are also encouraged to build using shapes and think about concepts such as money and time to build on their mathematical vocabulary
Understanding the World – This involves giving children the opportunity to explore people, places and experiences in order for them to build up a greater knowledge of their environment and the world. Children are given opportunities to investigate and ask and answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions. By providing opportunities to practically explore and find out for themselves they have a greater understanding of the different concepts
Expressive Arts and Design – Children are given opportunities to create and express themselves through a variety of different media and materials. These will include dance, music, singing, painting, building, role play and drawing. They are encouraged to talk about their work with others and to modify and develop their ideas

Norwich additions to the EYFS curriculum 学校对于早期儿童基础教育阶段(EYFS)课程的补充
Phonics – As an addition to the specific Literacy area of the EYFS Framework, Norwich uses the Phonics International programme in Reception. This is a highly-organized, systematic and synthetic phonics programme. It is a great tool for young learners to begin to recognise letters and sounds. Not only can children start reading, but also they can begin writing with a great focus on correct letter formation. Within the phonics programme the children can build the sounds to create words and words to create sentences. Ensuring children can confidently use mark making tools and have the correct pencil grip and letter formation is essential to their future success as these skills are very important going into Year 1 and beyond.
Reading – At Norwich we are dedicated to building a love of reading from a young age and having confident readers. We use the Oxford Reading Tree book scheme which is the United Kingdom’s most successful reading scheme. Oxford Reading Tree is well loved by young readers for its characters and varied writing styles that give children everything they need to become self-assured readers. Oxford Reading Tree is a great tool that works directly with synthetic phonics. Starting from Reception, children will bring home reading books and develop their skills in school through guided reading sessions. It is vital that parents take the time to read with their child and foster a real love for reading.
阅读——在诺维奇(Norwich),我们致力于从小培养对阅读的热爱,培养自信的读者。我们采用了“牛津阅读树”(Oxford Reading Tree)计划,这是英国最成功的阅读计划。“牛津阅读树”以其独特的人物性格和多样化的写作风格深受年轻读者的喜爱,这些风格给了孩子们成为自信读者所需的一切。“牛津阅读树“是一个很好的工具,可以直接使用合成语音。从幼儿园小班开始,孩子们可以带书籍回家阅读,并在学校通过导读课程来发展他们的技能。父母花时间和孩子一起阅读,培养孩子对阅读的真正热爱是至关重要的。
Specialist lessons – During the week the children in Early Years have to opportunity to participate in specialist lessons for Music, Thai, Mandarin, Mindfulness, Physical Education and Swimming or Water Play. In addition, the children are also able to visit the Early Years library and check out books to read at home as well as work on the computers and or iPads/tablets to learn basic ICT skills.
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