British Curriculum Experience At Norwich
At Norwich we offer a British curriculum experience, coupled with traditional Thai values. 在诺维奇,我们提供与泰国传统价值观相结合的英国课程。
Why a British Curriculum?
British education has achieved a worldwide reputation for quality, and is recognised and respected around the world. One of the huge benefits is how transferable it is – students can move seamlessly from country to country as so many reputable international schools use a British based curriculum.
Key Characteristics of a British style curriculum
British education is renowned for concerning itself with the development of the whole personality. Learning is important, but not enough in itself. Young people need to develop their potential to explore and discover the world around them, to think for themselves and form opinions, to relate to others, to develop their bodies through sport and physical education, and to gain experience in taking responsibility.
In the British education system, students are taught to learn by questioning, problem-solving and creative thinking rather than by the mere retention of facts, hence giving them analytical and creative thinking skills that they will need in the working world. A variety of teaching and assessment methods, designed to develop independent thought, as well as a mastery of the subject matter, is used. These are important reasons why many schools offering British style curriculum only use textbooks in Primary some of the time and in just some subject areas. In Secondary, textbooks are much more useful as the content and skills required in the curriculum become more clearly defined.

Early Years Foundation Stage – EYFS (ages 3 to 5)
The learning environment combines high standards with a broad and rich curriculum. The Early Learning Goals are standards in themselves and we strive to achieve them through a variety of play-based and structured activities, striking a fine balance between both teacher-led and student-initiated play. Play underpins all development and learning for young children. The Key Learning Areas are integrated into the children’s daily programme, through a variety of experiences and activities.
早期教育基础阶段- EYFS(三至五岁)

Primary Curriculum (ages 5 to 11)
Our curriculum is challenging, creative and constantly reviewed for relevance, breadth and effect. We understand that children learn best by doing, exploring and being appropriately challenged, whilst feeling safe, valued and part of a lively community.
We deliver a thematic curriculum in our Primary Homerooms. The thematic approach is a method of delivering teaching and learning through exciting and engaging units of work. By utilising carefully selected, cross-curricular themes, we provide a tangible and exciting context within which to develop and apply essential core skills, integral to individual subjects.
For the 2020-21 Academic Year, parents will be invited to school during each theme, to celebrate the success of your child.
In Primary, textbooks are not actively used within the Curriculum. At Norwich, we believe in meaningful interaction between teacher and student and that over-reliability on textbooks for Primary children has the following issues if not managed carefully:
- they may not stretch the child’s imagination
- 无法拓展孩子的想象力
- interaction between teacher and student reduces markedly
- 师生之间的互动明显减少
- they can limit creativity
- 限制孩子的创造力
- it can be boring for the children
- 孩子会感到无趣
- they may not pique the child’s curiosity to know more, or to experiment
- 无法激发孩子的好奇心去了解和实践
- learning may not be deep or transformational
- 可能不会深入或变革性地学习
- it can place limits on differentiation (oftentimes different children need different material at different levels and work at different speeds)
- 限制差异化(通常不同的孩子在不同的水平,需要不同的材料,以不同的速度学习)
Secondary Curriculum (ages 11 to 18)
Key Stage 3 covers Year 7 to 9, where the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) Checkpoint curriculum is followed for the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Global Perspectives. CAIE provides external examinations in these subjects at the end of Year 9. The focus for all other subjects is the preparation for the International General Certificates of Secondary Education (IGCSEs), which are the focus for Years 10 and 11.
Key Stage 4 covers Year 10 and 11, where the students at Norwich study a range of courses, some compulsory and some optional, which lead to the IGCSE examinations with CAIE.

At Norwich students study:
- English – First Language (0500) AND English – Literature (0486) OR English – Second Language (0511)
- 英语——第一语言(0500)和英语——文学(0486)或英语——第二语言(0511)
- Mathematics – International (0607)
- 数学——国际(0607)
- Sciences – Combined (0653)
- 科学——综合(0653)
- Thai – First Language (0518)
- 泰语——第一语言(0518)
- Mandarin Chinese – Foreign Language (0547)
- 中文(普通话)——外语(0547)
- Global perspectives (0457).
- 全球视角(0457)
- Options – 2 of: Economics (0455), Physical Education (0413), Information and Communication Technology (0417), Art & Design (0400)
- 选项-2:经济学(0455)、体育(0413)、资讯及通讯科技(0417)、艺术与设计(0400)

Examinations are generally at the end of Year 11, but some Year 10 students may sit English – Second Language (0511) or Mathematics – International (0607) at the end of Year 10.
Students also undertake non-IGCSE subjects such as Mindfulness, Sport & Games and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education).
Key Stage 5 covers Year 12 and 13, where the students at Norwich study a range of courses, some compulsory and some optional, which lead to the Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS) and Advanced Level (A) examinations with CAIE.
第五阶段(KS5)包括十二年级和十三年级,学生要学习一系列课程,有些是必修课,有些是选修课,这些课程将是通向CAIE的高级辅助水平(AS)和高级水平(A Level)考试之路。
At Norwich students study:
Compulsory in Year 12, one of:
- General Paper – English *AS Level only* (8021)
- 英语写作(GP)——仅限AS水准考试课程
- English – Language (9093)
- 英语——语言(9093)
- English – Literature (9695)
- 英语——文学(9695)
With 3 (or possibly 4) of:
- Mathematics (9709)
- 数学(9709)
- Biology (9700)
- 生物学(9700)
- Chemistry (9701)
- 化学(9701)
- Physics (9702)
- 物理学(9702)
- Chinese (9715)
- 中文(9715)
- Global Perspectives & Research (9239)
- 全球视角与研究(9239)
- Geography (9696)
- 地理(9696)
- Physical Education (9396)
- 体育(9396)
- Business (9609)
- 商业(9609)
- Art & Design (9479)
- 艺术与设计(9479)
- Digital Media & Design (9481)
- 数字媒体与设计(9481)
- Other subjects are also possible, depending on student interest and available staffing.
- 根据学生的兴趣和可用的人员配备,也可以选择其他科目。
Where students will study only 3 A level subjects for examaination in Year 13.
学生在十三年级考试时只要修读三门A Level科目。
AS Level examinations are at the end of Year 12, with A Level examinations at the end of Year 13.
AS考试在十二年级结束时举行,A Level考试在十三年级结束时举行。、
Students also undertake non-AS/A Level subjects such as Mindfulness, Sport & Games and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education).
学生也学习非AS/A Level的课程,如正念、体育和游戏以及个人、社会和情感发展。
If you would like to learn more about Norwich International School, please contact us

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