Brighton Celebrates Many Award Wins
Brighton College Bangkok is part of the Brighton College family of international schools, and is a sister school to Brighton College UK, recently announced as ‘UK School of the Decade’ by The Sunday Times. There are currently six Brighton College schools in: the United Kingdom, Abu Dhabi, Al-Ain, Bangkok, Dubai, and Singapore.
In August 2021, Brighton College Bangkok celebrated academic excellence, as our first cohort of Year 13 pupils achieved 97% of grades at A* or A, across a wide range of subjects.
As for IGCSE, 86% of grades were A*-B, with 52% grades at A*. On average, pupils achieved almost one and a half grades higher across all subjects than their baseline tests predicted. This is an extraordinary achievement, and these results mirror the success across the Brighton College family of schools.
As well as achieving the best A Level results in Thailand, the College has recently received numerous international accolades and awards that we are proud to share.
除了在泰国取得了A Level的好成绩外,学校最近还获得了许多国际荣誉和奖项,我们很自豪能与大家分享。

On 18th January 2022, the International School Awards 2022 was held virtually and the winners were announced during a live global online event. Brighton College Bangkok competed with 261 eligible schools from over 40 countries.

Brighton College Bangkok won the ‘Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice’ award. This reflects how Brighton strives to ensure that ‘every child can become the best version of themselves,’ and how we leverage the strengths of our diverse community. We believe in offering a safe and inclusive place of learning where every child can thrive, and winning this award has demonstrated our success in this endeavour.
In addition to winning as above, Brighton College Bangkok was also a finalist for the ‘Teaching and Learning’ award..
Our entry for ‘Teaching and Learning’ was based on Brighton Sparks, a programme designed to develop academic writing and supra-curricular skills such as: independent inquiry, critical thinking, and self-management. These capabilities assist in preparing pupils in Years 8-10 for success at IGCSE, A Level, and then at university. Brighton Sparks provides pupils with one-to-one support and guidance with a supervisor who is a specialist in the relevant field of study. To add a level of personalisation, the alumni of Brighton Sparks act as ‘pupil mentors’ to support younger peers in developing essential study skills as they progress through the school.
我们能入围“教学与学习”奖是基于“布莱顿星火(Brighton Sparks)”计划,该课程旨在培养学生的学术写作和课外技能,如:独立探究、批判性思维和自我管理。这些能力可以帮助八至十年的学生成功通过IGCSE、A Level考试,随之进入大学。“布莱顿星火”计划为学生提供一对一的支持和指导,导师是相关研究领域的专家。为了提升个性化程度,“布莱顿星火”计划的校友也作为“学生导师”,支持年轻学子在学习过程中培养基本的学习技能。

Brighton College Bangkok was also a finalist for the ‘Community Building’ category.
Our entry for this award credits our Community Critters, a pupil-led initiative that involves pupils working with the local Wang Yai community in a long-term and sustainable way. By developing a close partnership, charitable donations, regular visits and shared learning, the pupils have come to better appreciate a very different society and are empowered to make a positive impact.
In 2021, six pupils, teachers, and staff from Brighton College Bangkok were recognised in the Go Further Awards 2021 by Oxford AQA. The Go Further Awards recognise outstanding teaching and learning schools in Oxford AQA schools across the globe.
2021年,曼谷布莱顿学院的六名学生、教师和工作人员获得了牛津大学英国国家考试局颁发的2021年“最佳进步”奖”(Go Further Awards)。“最佳进步”奖是对牛津大学全球高等教育质量评估学校中优秀的教学和学习学校的认可。
Three pupils from Brighton College Bangkok won the ‘Outstanding Student Award 2021,’ with one of our pupils among only four students in the world to win a ‘Gold Award.’ Also, two teachers secured the ‘Outstanding Teacher Award 2021.’

Brighton College Bangkok’s excellence and achievements have not gone unnoticed. Several media outlets have published articles recognising the College’s attainments, including their ‘Oxbridge’ and ‘Medicine’ projects.
In collaboration with Brighton College UK, the ‘Oxbridge Project’ is a programme designed to assist students in applying for elite universities in the United Kingdom and The United States of America – including the Ivy League. The programme provides Sixth Form students with university-related guidance through training sessions, preparation techniques and career advice. The school offers a bespoke programme to support applications in Medicine too.
“牛津剑桥”项目与英国布莱顿国际学校的合作,旨在帮助学生申请英国和美国的精英大学,包括常青藤盟校(Ivy League)。该项目透过培训课程、准备技巧及就业建议,为第六学级的学生提供与大学相关的指导。该校还提供定制化课程,为医学方面的申请提供帮助。
Each year, the UK selects a maximum of 30 children to receive the coveted ‘British Citizen Award’ and the Medal of Honour, presented on an annual basis to young individuals who have demonstrated significant impact on society. A Year 10 pupil of Brighton College Bangkok received the Medal of Honour as a recognition of the commendable charity work, she has completed as well as the ‘British Citizen Youth Award 2021.’
We also celebrated Minnie in Year 7 and Mickey in Year 11 for winning the Minister of Education’s award in the “Outstanding Student” category. The Ministry announced a list of 550 students nationwide, and Brighton is one of only three international schools to receive this award. Last month, Mickey and Minnie attended the official ceremony held at the Ministry of Education and the award was presented by Ms. Trinuch Thienthong, the Minister of Education.
我们同样还庆祝了七年级的Minnie和十一年级的Mickey获得了教育部长颁发的“优秀学生”奖。教育部公布了全国550名学生的名单,布莱顿国际学校是仅有的三所获得该奖项的国际学校之一。上个月,Minnie和Mickey参加了在教育部举行的正式颁奖典礼,并由教育部部长钦努奇·蒂洪女士(Trinuch Thienthong)颁发此奖项。

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